Rabu, 11 November 2009

Is there a life insurance clearing house?

ask: "Is there a life insurance clearing house?"
My uncle had an insurance policy for me but his family and I cannot find it or the policy number. He is now deceased. Where can I go to do a general search?
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Life Insurance policy search?

ask: "Life Insurance policy search?"
Is there A way to see to do A world wide search to see if you were left any money ex: life insurance ... house. My father passed away A few years back .I was his only child and I believe he left me money I just don't know where to start looking.
Please respon to "Life Insurance policy search?" question

What happens to a person who passes away and has no life insurance, money or family that can help?

ask: "What happens to a person who passes away and has no life insurance, money or family that can help?"
I know a lady in extremely poor health. She has no insurance, no savings, house, etc. She has 1 son who is 28 but can't hold a job longer than 2 to 3 weeks at best and expects mom to help him with everything. She has 1 living brother who lives far away from here and doesn't talk to her because he doesn't agree with the way she allows her son to drain her of everything. My question is--if she would pass away, who would be responsible for her burial? How would it be paid for? Her son doesn't even own a car. He drives hers and it isn't paid for yet. This lady rents a room and only owns a bed, chair and lamp. Not much to sell!!!! Does anyone know what happens in a case like this? This is in the state of Iowa.
Please respon to "What happens to a person who passes away and has no life insurance, money or family that can help?" question